CaF2 90% - 97%
For Your Industry needs
AMC’s Bakhud Fluorite Deposits have proven reserves of over 8.8 million Tons of Fluorspar in 50km2 area, displaying the huge potential for Global Production and supply.
Fluorspar is the commercial name of (Calcium Fluorite) CaF2, which is currently classed as a critical, as well as a Strategic Commodity in the US and EU.
The Annual worldwide market of Fluorspar is Estimated at over US$ 2billions.

Our Innovations
Industry Focused Products!
Acid Grade CaF2 97% (Powder Form)
Usually found as isometric cubic crystals, or massive formation. It is a staple in one`s stones used for determining hardness of other stones in the field, because of its rating of 4. Fluorite is relatively soft stone, and can scratch or chip easily. It occurs in a variety of colors, including colorless, Purple, Green, White, Blue and colorless.
Its being used for Aluminum Industry.
Metallurgical Grade CaF2 90%
Usually found as isometric cubic crystals, or massive formation. It is a staple in one`s stones used for determining hardness of other stones in the field, because of its rating of 4.
Fluorite is relatively soft stone, and can scratch or chip easily. It occurs in a variety of colors, Purple, Green, White, Blue and colorless.
Its being used for Steel Industry.